Understanding Neuroscience Helps Maximize Employee Performance

For too long the neuroscience has been perceived as something too far away from every day’s life. The modern neuroscience has slowly approached the society and is creating solutions that go far beyond the current expectations. And if your employees are performing at their best, you would have more time to play your favorite pastime and win more money simply by playing sports betting games at easyarticlesคาสิโน.

One of the most promising effects of the neuroscience development lies within the organizations, being it companies, institutions, or any other group gathering entities. The understanding of the fundamentals of how humans learn, can improve all the development practices the organizations work for. In return, this will increase the capacity of an organization to grow their potential and create value. Isn’t this the whole idea?

When a baby is born, the brain contains approximately 100 billion neurons. This number remains rather stable throughout most of the life. However an inactive neuron doesn’t create incremental capacity of the brain. The relationship between the neurons is what makes all the difference in the capacity to learn, store and react.

Each time anyone gets new information that creates connections between the neurons, a physiological change process happens, the neuroplasticity. This process, and understanding it, is key to increase the learning abilities of the brains. Brain training is instrumental in developing the neuroplasticity, as it will create the reasons for creating new connections between the neurons, hence developing the brain ability to learn.

A holistic approach to learning is the one that recognizes the brain will not only interact with incoming information, but it will also depend on the context of the learning. A productive learning environment needs to include physical, cognitive and emotional incentives.

Some of the best practices of group learning within organizations include the innovative content, inclusive education, mixed approaches, technology used, the alignment with the business. The inclusion of neuroscience for a successful approach to learning means that four criteria must be met to maximize the results:

  • 1. Attention: minimization of distractions to ensure full concentration in the learning process. This is for long been understood as one of the basis for better memorization.
  • 2. Production: the learning materials need to be relevant, but also facilitate interaction.
  • 3. Emotions: the people are much more likely to store information based on emotional cues associated with the learning (enabling memory storage).
  • 4. Distance: the brain needs sufficient time gaps for learning. Forcing it reduces the end result.

The neuroscience can explain how the brain gets, stores and uses information, and also the factors that can limit us from the optimization process. By understanding of how humans learn, the organizational learning process can step-change the total knowledge of the group, hence create new opportunities for growth.

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